7 Issues to Consider Before Financing Construction Equipment

Most construction businesses and equipment rental companies in Califor nia know about equ ipment leasing and financing but may not be fa miliar w it h the kinds of sp ecific information t hey need to m ake the ideal financing decision s for their investments in eq uipme nt or softwa re. Realiz ing the me t hod s in which leasing fit s your c omp any’s certain needs can facili tate build ing a s ubstantial bu siness case for fi nancing as well as ascertain w hich financing o pt ion to sel e ct . This decision nece ssitates a ca reful assess ment of yo ur financial, operationa l a nd oth er situational needs, apart fro m the knowledge of the many benefit s leasing provide s. T he following is a checklist of important issues to consider when making decisions ...