A Game-Changer For Asphalt Contractors

As a California-based company that helps people build aluminum and steel buildings, we know firsthand the problems asphalt contractors face every day. Obtaining a hot rubber melter that can consistently and successfully melt rubber is a huge obstacle. This article will discuss why the hot rubber melter is a crucial piece of equipment for asphalt companies. Faster Completion of Work To begin, we appreciate your irritation with the age-old techniques of rubber melting. It takes a long time and often results in a lot of mess. The use of a hot rubber melter, however, streamlines and accelerates the procedure, allowing contractors to finish jobs in record time. The melter can reach melting temperatures of up to 400 degrees Fahrenheit in about one hour, allowing for quick and easy rubber melting. This crack banding machine can help contractors save time, money, and materials. Creates Exclusive Asphalt Surfaces Our sec...