6 Tips to Manage Your Rental Equipment in Better Ways

 You may be surprised to know that in 2019, the year before the global pandemic had struck hard on the population throughout the world, the construction equipment rental market generated a turnover of more than 10 billion dollars shared amongst nearly 1,500 companies.  

However, it has been observed that there are a lot of companies that can’t efficiently handle their rental equipment. The purpose of this article is to share a few tips with you all that will help you grow your equipment rental management, apart from equipment rental software that will enable you to manage your business smoothly and with utmost efficiency in this aggressive market. Who knows, yours could be the best equipment rental company in the future. 


  1. Lay Off Units with Serious Maintenance Issues 


If you are employing your equipment rental software, then it’ll help you to determine which equipment has a care and maintenance cost that is equivalent to or more than 10% of their annual turnover. You need to communicate with your technicians and your workshop. If they conclude that these repair expenses and maintenance costs will continue, it could signify that it is time to sell the equipment concerned. You must realize that any broken equipment does not generate any revenue for you. Moreover, it adversely affects your goodwill and reputation. 


  1. Lay Off Neglected Equipment 


For better equipment rental management, you need to fix a minimum usage rate target for your equipment fleet. In the case of your larger equipment, the utilization rate needs to approach 70%. As far as the more “common” equipment is concerned, the utilization rate has to be close to 100%. At least once every month, record equipment usage rates by equipment employing your equipment rental software. 


  1. Elongate the Life of a Few of Your Equipment 


Trucks and trailers enjoy longer service lives. A lot of equipment continues to be profitable even after their traditional replacement cycle. In economically challenging years, national rental companies extend the age of their fleets to minimize their investments. You need to ensure that you don’t extend the life of the equipment that is quite affordable to maintain. 


  1. Finish Your Offer with Other Rental Companies 


Instead of investing in a machine that is not often asked of you, rather develop a collaboration with another equipment rental company that possesses the machine. You can rent it to them to rent it back to your customer. In this manner, you can expand your offer devoid of investment. You need to ensure that you can make a comfortable margin and pay specific focus to the rental conditions with your co-workers and the condition of the equipment on departure and return. 


  1. Always Purchase Equipment in Good Condition 


You get the chance to reduce your expenses by investing in second-hand machines. This will facilitate you in cash flow maintenance and restrict your debt. Used equipment that is 1 to 4 years old will provide you with almost the same as the same new equipment. Often, a small investment in a used machine is all it needs to restore it to a new condition in the eyes of your customers. 


  1. Properly Manage Everything with the Help of An Equipment Rental Software 


A lot of small and medium-sized rental companies still operate without equipment rental software or with extremely poor tools. It is imminent that you will never be as productive with a notebook and pen as you are using a complete and feature-rich solution. 

By applying adapted equipment rental software, it’ll ensure you a detailed follow-up of your fleet and the maximum organization of your activity. 




There are many power-tool stores in California. They own some of the most authentic pieces of equipment that you can buy for your business. 


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